In Chabcha district in Tsolho (Ch: Hainan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture under Tsongon, Chinese authorities have launched a strict birth control policy. Since the start of 1997, 85 Tibetan women have been sterilised and 113 were force to go undergo abortions. This appeared in the Official Qinghai Tibetan Daily Newspaper published on 12 June 1997.
This incident took place in 13 villages in Chabcha County under Tsongon (Ch: Qinghai) county. The regional head of Chabcha County passed a resolution to implement the birth control policy and decided to award those in the village who best succeed in implementing the policy. Under this policy, 31 women from Sadrushi village were sterilised, 18 women were inserted with contraceptive devices and 14 Tibetan women from Changshe village of the Chabcha district underwent sterilisation.